General Membership Meeting

March 23, 2017









The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm with 52 members present.


The minutes from the previous meeting were read and accepted.


The treasurer’s report was read and accepted.


All officers were present.



Recognition of new members


There were 6 new members sworn in.



Reports of accidents sickness and death –


There were no reports


Presidents Report –


The presidents Grievance summary is as follows –




Arbitration summary –





Other Business under the president’s report –




Committee reports –



Unfinished Business –

There was no unfinished business to discuss.


New Business -

 There was a motion to have a Union Golf outing $7500 from the Union and 35 dollars per person. This will be tabled until next month



Good of the union –


The jacket drawing was held and number 236 Michael Lauerman wasn’t present so $20.00 more goes into the pocket.



Adjournment –


The meeting was adjourned at 4:47 pm.