General Membership Meeting

June 22, 2017









The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm with 49 members present.


The minutes from the previous meeting were read and accepted.  There were corrections and they were noted


The treasurer’s report was read and accepted.


All officers were present.



Recognition of new members


There were 0 new members sworn in


Reports of accidents sickness and death –



Nick Demitroff retired member passed away.

Mike Woolley’s grandma passed away

Bill Sodt’s father in law passed away.



It was reported that-



Presidents Report –


The presidents Grievance summary is as follows –






Arbitration summary-




Other Business under the president’s report –



Committee reports –



Unfinished Business –

There was a second reading of the by law proposed changes- Ken reported that there hasn’t been an increase since 1997 feels it is time to increase the salaries. Vice president would increase to $375 secretary and treasurer to $250 and change dues reimbursement to salary to $100 per month. E- board members that are stewards are still eligible for dues reimbursements if they attend both meetings. The motion passed.

New Business –

There was a motion to have a 50th anniversary dinner dance party for the union-The proposed date is September 9th at Weber’s included is food and drinks.  Steve Koch is the chairman and is Looking for a budget not to exceed $12,000 from the union. Tickets would be suggested  $20 per couple donation. The $12000 was based on an estimate of 200 people.  The motion was seconded and the motion passed.  

Good of the union –


The jacket drawing was held and number 119 Robert Dunlap wasn’t present so $20.00 more goes into the pocket.



Adjournment –


The meeting was adjourned at4:55 pm.